Tuesday, August 24, 2010


One week ago, we arrived in Santiago, and since then things have been going well. I'm getting used to the idea that there are things that I like but also things I still need to adjust to.  I have been staying relatively busy, but also taking some time to take siestas and walk around our balcony in search of wireless signals.
My birthday was on Sunday, and that was a nice, but rather long day.  I have a lot of trouble sleeping in here so I got up early and tried to go on a run with another girl from my program, but we were unsuccessful because the university was closed and we couldn't get to the track.  We took a walk together though and later in the afternoon I hung out with Danica, my neighbor from the program. I really enjoyed reading all the messages sent from friends at home, it was certainly a highlight of my day.  Later in the evening, we went out for birthday dinner at Domino's Pizza and my little sisters played on the outdoor play-gym thing. At night, I went out for a low key evening with some of my friends from the program who brought me a cake with candles.  I had missed chocolate so much! Basically it was a good day, but generally an awkward time to have a birthday, so I'm a little relieved to not have to think about it anymore.
My little sisters started school yesterday, and I, in turn, have registered for my classes.  I am a little unsure right now about my schedule, particularly in terms of credit transferring, but I am sure it will all work out.  Right now I am signed up for Hispanic literature, Gender and Society in the Caribbean, Community Medicine, Introduction to Healthcare, and Independent Study and a guitar class.  All the classes, excepting guitar, are designed for non-native Spanish speakers so I hope I will not be too far out of my league. I'm looking forward to having a more stable routine, although I am sure the first few weeks of classes will be hectic while everyone tries to sort out their schedules.
Other than that, we've been doing little culture activities which have included a dance class, a visit to a jazz club, and a trip to a cultural center.
Things at the house have been pretty stable, except for the indoor plumbing which has been sketch the past few days. I have taken a few bucket showers and been using hand sanitizer without reservations.  I am still figuring out family dynamics here and my role in them.  I say this because every day I come home and have comida (more or less at lunch time, but with dinner food), which Pedro and I normally eat together, sometimes with the girls, but always in relative silence.  I want to respect his space, because as a doctor I am sure he needs a break in the day to recharge and listening to a foreigner struggle with basic communication doesn’t really fit that bill-- but it’s a little weird. My family is very nice though, and have been great about giving  me vegetarian food and letting me have a flexible schedule.
Tomorrow is an early morning though, and I got up early today to give running another try (slightly more success although between the traffic and sidewalk quality it's not much of a stress reliever) so I'm going to go to bed!
I haven't been taking many pictures, but I'll work on getting some more up.


  1. Yo E! Glad to hear it's going well. I'm sure you'll develop a schedule once classes start and and that will help with fam dynamics. Julissa is so cute and your classes sound very interesting!

    Love you,

    p.s. Am so far very impressed with your blogging!

  2. EMMA i heard about this and will be following, we all miss you and i'm super pumped you get to have such a neat experience. GIRLLL so many emma-isms have been surfacing, and when they do we all look at each other and say, ahhhh swinforddddd!!
    keep it up emma!

  3. Ahhh...sounds like you're doing great, baby girl.

    Your class schedule sounds AWESOME, and I love that you're havin' some fun with the little girls in the house.

    Here's wishin' you stumble onto a relaxin' running path in the near near future!


  4. What a great experience for you Emma! Best wishes, the Eickholts

  5. Emma,
    I had lunch with your sister on Thursday and she told me about your blog. What an adventure!
    Enjoy every bit of it - and I look forward to following along from afar.
    Take Care,
